Skills: group 3

  • League of Legends | Rebranding the Championships

    League of Legends | Rebranding the Championships

    Esports has grown up and the players now enjoy a celebrity status to rival any Kardashian. Fire Without Smoke was asked to redefine and reimagine how these esports players are portrayed across the League of Legends client and across Europe. Our gritty new brand style really gives the players a powerful modern feel. In fact, so…

  • Ratchet & Clank Nexus | Trailer

    Ratchet & Clank Nexus | Trailer

    Ratchet & Clank has had a steadily declining audience sinced it launched many years ago. The game itself, of course, is still just as fantastic as it ever was but it did lose it’s way. How do we help solve this age old problem? Fire Without Smoke’s solution, with help from Sony was to craft a…

  • Assassin’s Creed Chronicles China | Trailer

    Assassin’s Creed Chronicles China | Trailer
  • Firetrap | Website

    Firetrap | Website

    Firetrap. It’s a cool, niche fashion brand. The big idea was therefore quite simple – “explore the cool, modern fashion of Firetrap from the comfort of your screen”. A partner agency was briefed on a specific fashion shoot for the imagery within the site and everything was created in a slightly irreverant, tongue-in-cheek way. The…

  • Harry Potter | Facebook App

    Harry Potter | Facebook App

    “Take the mountain to Mohamed” and build the whole thing in Facebook was a very simple way to target existing Potter fans. By joining “Dumbledore’s Army” you instantly became part of a very large and active community. The App was developed to contain competitions, discussions, content, polls: all of which you could enter or create yourself.…